Friday, August 8, 2014

Single Girl Chronicles

So, this past Tuesday I went to a church program called CAYA (Come As You Are) with my brother, his wife and her mother. Prior to going, there was a comment made:

"Jena, you should go there's plenty of single men there."

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I'm very much so aware of my singleness! Trust. Me.

Do people not think that maybe you just do not want to be with anybody at this point?! Or even the fact that maybe it's just not the right time for it to happen. Thank you for the simple gesture of pointing out that I'm single as a dollar bill, thank you so, so much. Do not get me wrong, I am very much so waiting for that special person to come along, but for now I am focusing on just bettering myself; working out, eating better, reading more and just trying to become a better me. I would most definitely like to be in a relationship but now just is not the right time; with me being in this transition with my life and all. But hey, there is a possibility that it can all change! Hopefully.. maybe lol. I'm all down for new things! So until that happens, it's just me, random t.v. shows and the brutality of how single I am.
If you can relate to this, let me know! I'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic.

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