In honor of Woman Crush Wednesday, I've decided to showcase my top 3 women crushes of all time. I usually don't post my crushes via social networks (I actually never have, so this is a new one for me), but I always wanted to, so why not blog it! With my women crushes, the criteria goes way past their beauty. I've picked these women based on what all that they do and how they have made an impact on me. So, let's get started:
My mother.
This woman is not only a great support system for whatever I decide to do, but she is also my heart! She listen to my drama and is there for me when no one else is. She sets a great example on what type of woman I should grow to be. I love this woman with every ounce of me (although I may not show it all the time, I love you ma!), she does so much for me, friends and family that she deserves everything in this world. With that being said, when it make it (doing who knows what) I will try my hardest to give it to her."Mama, I luh ya! P.O.P, hold it dahn!" (I had to do it)
Naomi Campbell.
This fierce, badass London supermodel has won me over from the moment she appeared in Jay-Z's "Change Clothes" video (back when I was old enough to even watch music videos). I admit, at the time I did not know it was her but just seeing her flawless attributes and confident glow, it made me very intrigued. A lot of major artists tend to use her in their videos, even the great Michael Jackson and I love that. She was also referred to in Beyonce's "Get Me Bodied" with the infamous, "Naomi Campbell Walk". From her cocky "I'm the ish" attitude, to her amazing beauty and bomb fashion sense, how can you not love her?! With being the one of the original 5 supermodels, Naomi continues to inspire and be an amazing icon to young girls/women everywhere.
Lena Dunham.
I LOVE THIS WOMAN. I love her because she gets it; she gets what it's like to not be accepted, to not fit in, to be the odd one out. She's not afraid to be her quirky self, no matter what others may think. I discovered Lena upon watching Girls on HBO about 2 years ago. Most people may find this show awkward and weird to watch, but I find it the complete opposite. Girls showcases trying to grow into womanhood and along the way overcoming obstacles that make you into the person you are today. It shows how growing up and maturing is not always desirable as some shows tend to make it. I recently read her book, "Not That Kind Of Girl" and although there are some parts that make you question Lena and her lifestyle, I can truly add that book to one of my top faves. You get to know Lena on a whole different level, she reveals things about herself that I was able to relate to; such as her graduating from college and questioning her whole existence because she didn't know what was coming next. Along with her not dating that much in her younger years, that when she got older she didn't truly understand the protocol of how to go about liking someone and whatever followed after that. Although she is starting to gain some backlash about her recent feminist movement and how people don't really consider her a true feminist, I support her effort. I have now made it a requirement in my life, that I meet this woman. You rule, Dunham. ------------------There you have it, my top 3 women crushes. Comment below and tell me who your women crushes are! I'd love to know.
-Jena Marie
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