No job? NO worries!

As I continue on my "out of college, looking for a job" journey.. I have come to an obvious conclusion: THIS S*%T IS HARD! I honestly did not think that finding something out of college, with a Bachelors in Mass Communications and a minor in Business Admin would be so dag on hard! (Well for me at least).
Majority of my friends already have something; grant it may not be something that they enjoy but it's something nonetheless. For me, I have to keep telling myself that I can't compare my life to anybody else's.. that is how you disappoint yourself the most. I am not going to lie, it does bother me that I am not currently working, but I can't give up the search. I have to just keep looking and trust that God will give me something that is meant for me! I know that my time will come, the time for when I have an awesome job and get out of this rut that I am currently in. So in the meantime,I have to try to keep myself busy as much as I can, that is one of the reasons why I actually started my blog. To keep myself occupied while I continue the search of employment. So to anybody else out there who is currently going through the same struggle as me, this is what I have to say to you: YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Do not give up hope, keep pushing. I know the process of finding a job is not easy, but if it was nobody would truly value the process or what job they have at the moment. I have been doing this search for all of 5 months and I still have yet to land anything. This is just God's way to tell us to not lose hope, because something bigger and better, is in the works. We got this!-XO
Hey Guys, Jena Marie here! Just wanted to send an update from the future, I'm now working on creating my own job lol I do have a fulltime job but it's not what I'd like and where I'd like to be STILL doesn't want to hire the kid.. so I'm taking matters into my own hands and employing my damn self. Never forget that's always an option 😉