Thursday, November 20, 2014

Dealing With Lifes' Lemons.

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Usually, we find ourselves in hard situations that, most of the time, we aren't able to control. "Why me?!", you begin to ask out loud. You start to think, there's no way things can get better and you suddenly get stuck in this funk, that you feel you won't get out of anytime soon...

Little do you know, what you're going through is just preparing you for something greater to come.

This is something that often is forgotten.. As soon as things begin to get a little rough, at first, we are not sure how to exactly handle them. So with that being said, here are a few tips to help and for you to remember, when life starts to hand you lemons:

1.) Pray, pray, and pray some more. God is there for us more than we'll ever know. He knows about our troubles that we're currently enduring, and he will also lift them. By just saying a simple prayer, that can make your day go from a dark cloud, to a clear sky in just a matter of time.

2.) Eat! And I don't mean eat massive junk food until you keel over in a food coma, eat good mood foods. Such as: dark chocolate, greek yogurt, walnuts, honey, asparagus, even mussels.. just to name a few. These foods, along with a whole bunch of others, are also very healthy for you! So the next time you're feeling down, eat one/some of these foods and see how fast your mood will change.

3.)Motivational/Inspirational quotes. Reading a little motivation/inspiration can make a HUGE difference. Just a little positivity can go a long, long way. They not only uplift you, they also make a good reference to look at throughout the day. Just a little reminder to let you know that everything can and will be okay.

Don't let life get you down, sh*t happens! When things get tough, you just have to get a little tougher. Remember, everything will be all right in end.. if it's not all right, then it's not the end. Stay blessed.
-Jena Marie

"Hardships often prepare ordinary people, for an extraordinary destiny.."
-C.S. Lewis

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