Sunday, November 30, 2014

Give It A Try.

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Taking chances seems to be what most people are (not surprisingly) really afraid to do. Loving to be in your comfort zone, thinking that if you go out on a limb you'll simply fail, causing you to not ever try to take a chance again. Personally, I just don't see how someone can live life as such, that's what it's all about! Taking chances.

For those who don't know, after college I made it one of my life goals to move to D.C. and start my new post-grad life. For the most part, it was not what I had expected.. At all. I honestly thought that it would be super easy to find a job, since I haven't had a problem finding a job any other time. I figured that if I just moved there and applied to everything in the field that I received my degree in, then I would be set.

Boy, was I stupid wrong.

Not only did I not receive a job in my field, I just flat out didn't get any job offers (of substance) period. With trying to find a job there, the process was beyond tedious. Eventually, I resulted in finding jobs through a temp agency.. which to say the least was fairly humbling. Having to travel across town on the metro to job assignments, with not the slightest clue of where I'm going and simply relying on a measly iPhone app to get me to my destination. There was even a situation where I traveled metro, bus and foot to an assignment, just to be sent home because I was not needed. Not only was that a waste of my already starving metro card, but my time!

I was in D.C. for all of 3 months, trying to pursue this dream of being in the city and living this somewhat, lavish life that I had mapped out... none of that worked out for me. I was living with my brother, sleeping on a couch and living out of a suitcase. I was not used to it, but I wanted my plan to work out so badly, that I was willing to do anything (morally, that is). I've endured emotions that I've never experienced before; breakdown after breakdown because nothing was going as I wanted it to. Being so angry because my patience was wearing very thin. Let's just say, I did all of that to now end up in Charlotte, N.C. and I honestly couldn't be happier.

When everything is all said and done, I can say that I at least tried. No, it wasn't what I wanted but God obviously was trying to let me know that He has something bigger and better for me in store. That was my first time chasing after what I wanted and it will not be the last. Although the outcome wasn't what I expected, it's not enough to stop me... It shouldn't stop you either. I'm here to tell you that whatever you want to achieve.. DO IT. Don't let doubt and fear hold you back from being great. You only live once, so why not? Ask yourself today, what's preventing you from achieving whatever it is you want? Whether it's love, a career, or even a dream.. Go after it. Don't ask "What if it goes wrong?", ask "What if it goes right?",

You never know, until you try.

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