Monday, January 5, 2015

2015: Plan, Prepare, Party!

So with this being my first blog post of the new year, I'll start this off by saying: Happy New Year! I hope that everybody brought in 2015 with a bang. If not, well that's ok too lol. Luckily, I was able to go out with some friends to a NYE party out in Charlotte, which might have been the most successful NYE night I've ever had. With that being said; for this year, I definitely expect it to be a little better for me, than 2014 has been. Not because I'm simply assuming that since it's a new year that changes will automatically happen, but because I will make certain that some changes are made.

I'm speaking it into existence! I plan on doing bigger and better things, along with making some needed adjustments; so this shall be the year of the come up. I already know God has some tricks up his sleeve for me, so I'll just patiently wait for them to unfold! I will prepare myself for the awesome year that I am about to have. I'm excited for what is to come, even for the people that are around me. My friends also have some pretty dope ish that is starting to come together, and I couldn't be any more happier for them.

I will also make sure to party it up (not too much, just a little more than before)! With only being 22, I'm pretty slack when it comes to going out. Which has deterred me from kinda having any type of a social life; but just the feeling of being home and comfy is so much better (fellow introverts feel me on this one). This will help me work on my process of becoming an intro-extrovert... if that's even a word. For clarity, a true introvert but when it's time, knows to be an extrovert (I totally just pulled that out my ass, but hopefully that made sense).

Any who, I'll be sure to update you guys on these new beginnings, so be on the lookout :)
-Jena Marie

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