Thursday, December 4, 2014

#TBT: Take Me Back to Europe!

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Europe... Where the weather was colder, the food was better and the people are VERY attractive LOL. My trip there this past summer, was definitely an amazing experience. In the beginning of June for 2 and a half weeks, I was given the chance to study abroad with my university to Europe and visit 3 places: London, Paris and Berlin to study WWI and WWII history, and the cities were all a sight to see.

Although I was the only person on the trip who didn't really know anybody else as well as the others did, towards the end we all were bonding pretty well that I didn't even feel out of place anymore.. and by bonding I really mean totally annoyed with each other lol (love you guys!) Nonetheless, I am glad I was able to meet and experience this trip with these awesome individuals.

The first stop was London, England which was my favorite destination out of the three places. It was the most Americanized (since they still spoke English). Our hotel was very tiny, but the scenery was so beautiful. Also, the people in London were so attractive, they definitely took pride in how they look every day. The culture was much similar to ours in America, just more...updated so to say. I plan on definitely coming back to London, I actually want to live there for two years!
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Some of the peeps! You can see how small the rooms here; there were three beds stuffed in the room

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Here's a shot I took of some awesomely-cool dressed ladies

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The Buckingham Palace; We were even able to see the changing of the guards!

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A cool skate park

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Me at a cathedral (I forgot the name :/)

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And good ol' Big Ben

Next was Paris, which surprisingly was not what I had really expected! Now don't get me wrong, Paris is an all around beautiful city...there were just some parts of it that shocked me, so to say. The poverty there was much more open than what I'm usually used to. We were able to view lots of fun sites, from the infamous Louvre to a beautiful boat ride through the city. We even went up into the Eiffel Tower so we could see Paris at an even better view and I loved every bit of it. I can also see how they call it the city of love, it's very romantic. Such as the Love Lock bridge, that is something I want to experience again and actually participate in. So whenever I get married, I definitely plan to go there with my husband.
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The outside of the Palace of Versailles, there was some construction being done.

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Streets of France.

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Me at the Fountain of St. Michel

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The Famous Love Lock Bridge

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Of course, I couldn't forget about the Eiffel Tower!

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Taking an Usie at the Eiffel Tower

Lastly, Germany. This was my second favorite place out of the whole trip, not only were the people here much nicer than Paris, but they surely know how to have fun! We stayed in the city Berlin, we were able to view much of the city and see the historic value it has (along with the other cities, but this one was the most interesting). Lastly, upon wrapping our trip in Europe, we were able to join Germany as they entered into the FIFA World Cup. There was a city wide festival that brought together so many people! It was seriously like one big party, everybody was happy and joyous and we ended up on German t.v.! I wouldn't have wanted to end my trip any other way :)
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Me at the World Cup festival

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The Reichstag

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A memorial at the Concentration Camps

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Part of the Berlin Wall

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Some of the peeps at the FIFA World Cup Festival

So overall, my trip to Europe was one that I will always remember and cherish. I highly recommend that if you're still in college, that you study abroad and go explore the world! That's what it's made for. Not only was I able to learn a ton of important history about the different cities, I went to places at the age of 21 that most people don't really visit till they're about 30! I'm also really glad to have the chance to meet and bond with some really awesome people. I've def made memories that'll last a lifetime :)

Let me know some places that you've been to! Were they life changing? Would you want to go back? I'd really love to hear your thoughts :)
-Jena Marie

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