Monday, December 29, 2014


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For Christmas, I received the best gift that I literally only asked for (along with some MAC lipstick); #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso. For those who don't know, Sophia Amoruso is the CEO and founder of the awesome clothing store, Nasty Gal. In her book, she discusses how her business came to be and how all of her mistakes lead her up to being the owner of this million dollar business. She also gives meaningful and memorable life lessons that every #GIRLBOSS should try to keep in mind. Sophia aims to inspire young women who read her book, that you too can achieve anything you put your mind to and how to be a #GIRLBOSS.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

A Change Will Come.

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So by now, I'm hoping that we all know what has recently been going on in our country. The Grand Jury has decided to not indict 2 separate police officers based on the killings of 2 separate black men; Mike Brown and Eric Garner. With that being said, what does that say about our country?

Thursday, December 4, 2014

#TBT: Take Me Back to Europe!

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Europe... Where the weather was colder, the food was better and the people are VERY attractive LOL. My trip there this past summer, was definitely an amazing experience. In the beginning of June for 2 and a half weeks, I was given the chance to study abroad with my university to Europe and visit 3 places: London, Paris and Berlin to study WWI and WWII history, and the cities were all a sight to see.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Give It A Try.

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Taking chances seems to be what most people are (not surprisingly) really afraid to do. Loving to be in your comfort zone, thinking that if you go out on a limb you'll simply fail, causing you to not ever try to take a chance again. Personally, I just don't see how someone can live life as such, that's what it's all about! Taking chances.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Dealing With Lifes' Lemons.

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Usually, we find ourselves in hard situations that, most of the time, we aren't able to control. "Why me?!", you begin to ask out loud. You start to think, there's no way things can get better and you suddenly get stuck in this funk, that you feel you won't get out of anytime soon...

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Woman Crush Wednesday! #WCW: My Top Women Crushes

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In honor of Woman Crush Wednesday, I've decided to showcase my top 3 women crushes of all time. I usually don't post my crushes via social networks (I actually never have, so this is a new one for me), but I always wanted to, so why not blog it! With my women crushes, the criteria goes way past their beauty. I've picked these women based on what all that they do and how they have made an impact on me. So, let's get started:

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

New Music : Oscar Lee-The Absence Of Color

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Twitter/Instagram: oscarlee_230
Upon listening to the first few seconds of A.O.C, you're hit with a little throwback sample that makes you ask yourself, "I wonder where he got that from?" and just within those few seconds, he's already giving you a pre-glimpse of what's to come. The upcoming South Carolina artist has recently dropped his latest project 'The Absence of Color' and it's bringing us a new sound that is sure to not disappoint. Not only does this project speak about real life

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

R.I.P I killed the club.. (Ok not really, I just hate it.. a lot)

As a 22 year old, I've been on a good bit of scenes.. (or at least I'd like to think I have) and I'm still in the process of trying to figure out what I like/don't like. And with that being said, I have come to the simple conclusion.. that the club scene is one of those scenes, that is just not for me.. Nope.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Is Chivalry Dead.. Or Nah?

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So a question that has been asked around, especially with my generation now that it seems we are entering a new age of dating.. Is chivalry dead? And for me, the answer to that would be.. Nah! Lol but seriously, in my opinion I do not fully believe that chivalry is dead..  the women who made it a requirement are.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

HBCU Homecoming Experience: Howard HC vs. North Carolina A & T GHOE

DISCLAIMER: This is based on MY experience! Don't go off of my opinion, I suggest that you go see for yourself how they are to get the full experience. (I don't want anyone coming at me for my thoughts lol) Since I was not able to get the HBCU experience as I thought I wanted, I just figured I can at least get a taste of it by going to the homecomings. While in college, I attended 2 HBCU homecomings: Howard University and NCAT "GHOE" (Greatest Homecoming on Earth) and both were definitely an experience that I was glad to be apart of!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

No job? NO worries!

As I continue on my "out of college, looking for a job" journey.. I have come to an obvious conclusion: THIS S*%T IS HARD! I honestly did not think that finding something out of college, with a Bachelors in Mass Communications and a minor in Business Admin would be so dag on hard! (Well for me at least).

Friday, August 8, 2014

Single Girl Chronicles

So, this past Tuesday I went to a church program called CAYA (Come As You Are) with my brother, his wife and her mother. Prior to going, there was a comment made:
"Jena, you should go there's plenty of single men there."
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